Hostel overlooking “Toro”station, where you can enjoy one and only Steam Locomotives in Hokkaido in winter, while trolley-style sightseeing train also runs in summer.
The endless expanse of mother nature before your eyes. Birds are singing while wind carries the fragrance of the seasons.
Here, it is “the lounge” where everyone with difference can just chill (say backgroud, race, class, gender, local or international communities, the list goes on and on…) .
Immerse yourself in the flora and fauna that live in the vast nature

7 couples only per day for lodging.
In the lounge, enjoy your time to your heart's content, talking over drinks, reading books quietly with coffee,
A geeky sauna with a view of the magnificent Kushiro Marsh spread out before your eyes.
Subtle scent of nature, silence, and cold but gentle water welcome you.
Please listen carefully for the sound of white birches' sway, open air bathing relaxation becomes totally different experience.

Activity & Gallery
Diverse outdoor activities as follows; canoeing, horseback riding, Finnish Sauna, camping, fishing, road-cycling, shooting rare railways, or birdwatching etc…
Cuisine using local ingredients.
Scarce Japanese whisky from Akkeshi.
Freshly brewed coffee and espresso.